Thursday, March 12, 2009

Of Mice and Men

Classic City Readers March Selection:
Title: Of Mice and Men
Author: John Steinbeck
Year Published: 1937
Place on the top 100: 12
Awards Won: It was chosen as an official 'Book of the Month Club' title before it was even published; number 4 on the list of Most Challenged Books of 21st Century.

Two migrant field workers in California's Salinas Valley during the Great Depression—George Milton, an intelligent and cynical man, and Lennie Small, an ironically-named man of large stature and immense strength but limited mental abilities—come to a ranch near Soledad southeast of Salinas, California to "work up a stake." They hope to one day attain their shared dream of settling down on their own piece of land. Lennie's part of the dream, which he never tires of hearing George describe, is merely to tend to (and touch) soft rabbits on the farm. George protects Lennie at the beginning by telling him that if Lennie gets into trouble George won't let him "tend them rabbits." They are fleeing from their previous employment in Weed where they were run out of town after Lennie's love of stroking soft things resulted in an accusation of attempted rape when he touched a young woman's dress.

Discussion Meeting: Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 5:30pm
Host: Jenika
Discussion Leader: Nayely

1 comment:

About Me said...

I enjoyed this short, yet meaningful read. The ending was a bit tragic, but the overarching premise of the book was excellent. I especially liked the dichotomies between the two main characters, Lennie & George, which together balanced each other out. Who knows what became of George after the ending? Hmmmmm...maybe he settled down with some rabbits?